Saturday 11 October 2008

“They call this Black Friday. We say it's fightback Friday "

Sweating like a pig!!, originally uploaded by solomonsmfield.
Sweating like a pig...See more of my pics at my flickr stream here

“They call this Black Friday. We say it's fightback Friday and from this day we are letting it be known that we will be calling more protests”.

I'm still recovering from last nights March on the Banks-what a bloody brilliant demonstration.

Read full reports here at Socialist Worker, The Financial Times, Channel 4, Lenin's Tomb, Ady Cousins and google for many, many more-we certainly made an impact and created an element of revolutionary fervour.

The City of London police, who clearly are not used to this sort of demo, didnt have a clue how to respond. Bright red, huffing and puffing and sweating like mad they were rounding round in circles. They tried to block roads but didnt have enough police. Their dogs turnt on the handlers, the horses (only 2) were shying away. A comrade pointed at one police in front of his face-the officer said "don't wag your finger at me" oooh, how scary!

About 70 SOAS students attended and all were really militant-some said it was their first demo and they loved it. Well dont to Elly and co for getting in with the SOAS banner-shame i couldnt get some pics.

See SOAS Alex and Hannah centre stage here on AP (whatever that is...)

Can't wait for the next demo. Vive la revolution...

Watch Martin Smith on Channel 4 on 'Come back Communism'! Ignore the smarmy presenter-she doesn't add anything enlightening.


Ben Gray said...

March done, placards waved, photos taken, onanistic sense of fulfilment gained.

Bailout still goes ahead, media looks on with amusement, CoLP get useful training for a genuine mob, business continues as usual.

Fear inflicted: one policeman gets a bit sweaty.

Self-gratification: 10, Political Achievement: 0.

Unknown said...

I like the tag for your website benjamin, "intelligent conservatism" but isn't that a contradiction in terms?

Anonymous said...

It was on Channel News - many people in the city saw it.

The political achievement was not ZERO. Perhaps if you were on the demo you'd have a more useful analysis.

Ben Gray said...

Who says I didn't see the demo?

I don't deny that you probably achieved something, just nothing in advancing a socialist cause. You probably helped the placard makers drum up a bit of business and doubtless sold some more of your papers. You created demand for what you want to supply: slogans, literature and signs, thereby fulfilling one of thebasic underlying principles of a market economy. Plus you advanced an argument against state intervention in the market.

Congratulations on marching in support of Adam Smith.

Solomon's Mindfield said...

'Seeing' the demo is not the same as participating in it.

I thought you are an 'intelligent' conservatist?

Ben Gray said...

It isn't, but the question was the utility of my analysis. I didn't have to participate for my analysis to be useful.

Montmarcey Brown said...

Benjamin, you're an idiot. But keep it up, someones got to believe in your point of view. It's important. It may mean nothing. But it's very very important. Very important. It's your point of view and that's what matters. Snookums. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, you've got an ill considered, silver spooned, 'original', independant, greasy point of view, and that's what matters. I hope you die soon.

JohnBaker68 said...

"Ignore the smarmy presenter-she doesn't add anything enlightening."

Do they ever? If these BBC/etc types had anything intelligent to say they wouldn't be where they are today.