Thursday 23 October 2008

Kings College President removed/fired (?)

Good news, Chris Mullan, President of Kings College Students' Union (KCLSU) has been removed from office.

Bad news, it was not done by students but by the board of trustees.

KCLSU has a Govenrance structure that makes it very diffilcult for rank and file students to have much say in how their Union is run. In order to bring about a vote-of-no-confidence (VNC) students need to demand a Union General Meeting since the Union does not hold them as a matter of course; all decisions are made at a much smaller Council meeting.

But first, students need to obtain 1,000 signatures to even call a UGM.

Need to dash to class - more later...

Here is the expectedly biased report from Imperial College.

Read the drivel of a statement from Kings and NUS here


Unknown said...


Ben Gray said...

For the record he's lodged an appeal.