Monday 27 October 2008

Missogynisity London Beauty pagant

No doubt you have all heard of and are equally outraged by the Miss University of London pageant that is confirmed to take place again this year. At SOAS we passed a motion at the UGM that the union would not support SOAS taking part, but a group of slimy students (all male of course) are nevertheless widely publicising a SOAS qualification on 25th Nov at the Crystal Club.

We are discussing our course of action at our Women's Society meeting Wednesday, 6pm in the Institute of Education bar and would LOVE it if you could come along to let us know what your unions are planning and to organise some action that we can take together- whether its protests, events, publicity campaigns or lobbying our individual universities, the University of London or the pageant sponsors.

Please forward this to anyone who may have fab ideas/ and or bodies to contribute to the campaign. If we work together on this the feminist voice will be heard and it will be a resounding roar of indignation!!!

From Elly-SOAS Women's officer

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