Wednesday 28 January 2009

Occupation in BBC HQ update

Yesterday i was going somewhere by tube and was shocked to see we were in ALL the free papers and the Evening Standard. And, the reporting was favourable to say the least! They evenn OVER reported the number of people doing the occupation!! And it was even weirder to see it actually in print rather than these online links.

Evening Standard
Our picture was also used in the New Statesman, but no reference to who it is and the oline version does not have the pic!!

Hang on a sec...i'll find more links.

Well, as usual, i have been distracted by a brand new shiny article about anti-anti-feminism. See post above in a bit...

So, here's simply the link to my previous post.

Please email me or post below any further links you find.

1 comment:

Clara said...

Hey Clare...
so was I! the free papers tend to either skip the issue or do a rubbish job at portraying CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF YOU! well done!!! :-)