Sunday 20 December 2009

Watch videos of fab ompah band at Philosophy Football

On Friday Tanzle & I went to an event that was pitched to me as 'not unlike your Mutiny event'. It's true, it was a fun, creative, social which had speakers & performers from a variety of backgrounds. Jess Hurd even graced the walls with loads of her lively photos.

Although much older in attendees (I obviously include myself in this category) than Mutiny it was a nice evening at which I bumped into a few people from the circuit including Jess.

Here's what Philosophy Football emailed this morning: the Mindfield gets a special mention. Cheers guys, fiver's in the post! The 2nd video is a great rendition of a song from me youf. Ah ha, ah ha!

"We hope you enjoyed Friday night, and felt it worthwhile braving the near arctic conditions (whatever 'appened to global warming??). As always the gig was packed out, with the event teetering on the anarchic occasionally, but thats the nature of our parties with a purpose.

At Philosophy Football we'd really appreciate your feedback, good, bad or in-between. Email us your comments on the line-up, the venue, the food, whatever, it all helps ensure the next event is even better.

Our ambition is to mix up ideas n entertainment, to contribute towards a culture of dissent that challenges the boxing off of politics from culture and a political practice that appears incapable of recognising the value of pleasure. Big dreams, so did Friday night convince you we might be on to something? Would love to know!

This was our sixth event this year, working with partners including Cuba Solidarity, the Hope not Hate anti-BNP campaign, the TUC and Compass.

And thanks to the brilliant blog for film of the Oompah band too, see it here >

Part one

Part two

I was forced to write this post because I was caught on camera so no hiding from the thought police! Photos from Friday, fee to use but please credit Simon Green @


Mark P said...

No need for a fiver Clare. You were very welcome. Those of us who dissent from the traditional way of doing things, whether Labourite, Leninist or wishy-washy in-between like me have too much in comon not to mix. Tho having our event as 'the most right wing I've been to all year' by yerself suggests you should get out more (ouch!)

We are 'ever so 'umble' (humility remains a rare trait on the left), we know we can learn from others, the 'Mutiny; approach in particular. If we can together get the various bits n pieces of the left to change their way of doing things into an untidy combination of politics and culture instead of pigeonholing each, and injecting some pleasure into the life of activism rather than the relentless emphasis on duty. Well we'll be getting somewhere!

Here's to a rebellious New Year.

Unknown said...

Yes Mark, I definitely should get out more. Your analysis of my comment is spot on-it was not 'right-wing' just not so hard left that one gets a sore head from all the duty-bound bashing that is common at other leftwing do's!

2010 will be a good one. To unity and beyond :-)

luna17 said...

'Our ambition is to mix up ideas n entertainment, to contribute towards a culture of dissent that challenges the boxing off of politics from culture and a political practice that appears incapable of recognising the value of pleasure.'

I won't argue with that!

Anonymous said...

Cool article as for me. It would be great to read more concerning this theme. The only thing I would like to see on that blog is a few photos of some devices.
David Flouee
Cell phone jammer