Monday 28 September 2009

Bectu Union supports members refusing to work if/when BNP are on Question Time

free speech? why Nazi Nick Griffin should not be allowed on question time and protest date

Dear Everyone

Unite Against Fascism is not the only organisation which believes that the Nazis should not be allowed to appear on the BBCs flagship political discussion programme, Question time. The TV technicians' union has attacked the BBC's decision to invite BNP leader Nick Griffin on to Question Time and pledged to join a demonstration against the recording of the programme.


Bectu said it would support any of its members who refused to work on the programme, which will be transmitted on October 22.General secretary Gerry Morrissey said: "We believe there should be no media coverage of the BNP and I have raised this issue with the director general, Mark Thompson.

"He said they have been invited on to the programme because they have won elections, but we strongly disagree.

"We will be arranging a demonstration and lobby outside the Question Time studios and we will be working with anti-fascist groups to ensure there is a significant turn out."

We know that it sounds bad to say we want to stop the views of someone from being aired--but you have to ask yourself are Nazis the same as others with whom you disagree? And the answer is no. they are not just people with offensive views. They are Nazis. And Nazis engage in mass murder when they get power. They also shut down every kind of democratic organisation in civil society.

The argument that they must be allowed to be on TV to expose them is mistaken for two reasons

Firstly: it is not necessary to have Hitler to speak in order to expose his views. Therefore it is not necessary for Nick Griffin and the Nazi BNP to be given air time on the state TV to expose them. We already know they are racist and fascist

Secondly: like Hitler, Griffin intends to use the platforms afforded in a democratic society to hide his true nature until it is too late. He won't be exposed on the BBC. He will wear a suit and lie. he will use parliament and the BBC and legal methods , distancing himself from the thugs who commit racist attacks up to the point when he feels strong enough, as Hitler did, to smash all of that and emerge as a dictator.

By then it will be too late.

Even now, when Nazis speak people die because the thugs gain confidence. Racist attacks increased when the BNP organised in east London and had their bookshop in south London. Stephen Lawrence died during a spate of racist attacks and he died not far from the BNP bookshop--his alleged killers later being found to read the BNP paper. David Copeland the nail bomber in London was a BNP security force member.

So.. nazis alone should not be given a platform--the muder of 6 million jews is not a matter for polite debate. if you wouldnt tolerate Hitler on the beeb.. LETS STOP NAZI NICK from getting the space to organise murder

Elane Heffernan
Cause Creator
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