Wednesday 26 August 2009

Climate Camp 2009

I arrived at Climate Camp and spent the whole day talking to people about their main concerns. It was pleased to see such a good range of active people, for many of whom this was their first engagaement with anything political.

Climate Camp media team have done a fabulous job with their website and Climate Camp TV. You can follow regular updates from the blog HERE

I haven't yet announced the launch of our very own Mutiny TV because I am still playing around with it but 1) we are working with ClimateCampTV to upload vids to their site and 2) you can see some of ours HERE

I made a piece of bunting to add to this stream with 'Bail out Vestas not Banks' on it.

It's going well so far. Really creative and nice vibrant atmosphere.

Tower Hamlets college strikes are top of the agenda at Climate Camp. I will report more on this when I go back later today (I'm not actually camping)

More soon.

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