Tuesday 2 June 2009

Swine flu is rubbish

I have just heard that the University of East Anglia has decided to stop office-based recycling in an effort to 'limit the spread of potential cases of H1N1 (Swine Flu)'.

I'm no scientist but this seems a tad over the top to me. My guess is that they want to get rid of that pesky recycling malarky and save a few pennies. Does anyone know whether there is any weight behind their reasoning?

In the meantime, here is a great article cutting through the spin that we get from the mainstream media.

Swine Flu: the real dangerous swine wear suits

Feature by Mike Davis, May 2009

With deaths mounting in Mexico authorities warn of a swine flu pandemic. Mike Davis argues that governments, pharmaceutical companies and agribusiness create the conditions for these health crises.

Read the rest HERE at Socialist Review

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