Thursday 18 December 2008

George Bush learns that there's no shoes like good shoes

In the end all it took was a well-aimed shoe. US president George Bush faced his final humiliation when an Iraqi journalist pelted him with his size 10s during the president’s “farewell trip” to the country he destroyed.

Bush was addressing a press conference in Baghdad on the achievements of the occupation when journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi shouted, “This is a farewell kiss, you dog! This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq.”

He took off his shoes and hurled them at the US president. Bush was visibly shaken and tried to make light of the incident while the Iraqi president made whimpering noises of apology. But the damage was done.

Muntadar, who remains in custody, is being hailed as a hero in the Arab world and beyond. And in this season of goodwill, Socialist Worker would like to pass on a special message to him: Thank you, Muntadar—you have made millions of people very happy.

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