Wednesday 17 September 2008

Would you Adam and Eve it? Tony Blair continues his crusade.

Tony Blair starts a new job tomorrow teaching 'Faith and Globalisation' at Yale university!

According to his office, "The course will explore how faith traditions and globalisation may influence each other and why understanding this mutual process is important in the 21st century."

He will vbe talking about his new position on the American prime time 'Daily Show' with the not too emolient Jon Stewart. I hope he rips him apart. Catch his Sarah Palin interview here.

Tune in tomorrow for Blairs debut performance at 11pm US time. Watch it the day after and COMMENT like mad on Jon's site...

I guess with all his experience in the Middle East, as illegal invader, occupier and then the fricking hilarious 'Peace Envoy', he is well versed in both subjects. What next, George Bush giving LGBT rights lectures?

Almost as funny as the one about the BNP bloke who is the Anti-racism Officer at his uni.

Check out Tony Blairs blog-some more excellent advice from our ex-'leader': "Olympics should be about sports and not politics" he says, mobile phone deals will save Palestine, praise of Saudi's interfaith programs and much, much more...shame he doesn't have a comments function

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