Wednesday 10 September 2008

Disgraceful New Zealand Tourist Board Ad

Enitiled 'The youngest country on earth', I object to this series of promotional videos on a couple of issues:

1) That NZ/Aotearoa is only dated since the White folk/long pork colonised it is a crock of Eurocentric bullshit.
2) Maori's have lived in Aotearoa for centuries longer than Europeans yet the only Maori or even non-white person in the ad is a woman wearing a facial ta moko (tattoo), perfoming the traditional Maori greeting of touching noses (i can't remember the Maori word for this) and living in the wilderness. A crock of Orientalist bullshit.
3) The scenery is obviously beautiful but these days only rich tourists can afford most of the packaged excursions. There is much more to this beautiful land than mountain climbing and skiing. A crock of (send comments to fill in this blank)__________bullshit.

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