Dear fellow campaigners, what a long time a few weeks in politics can feel.
From Millbank to Newsnight, from Carnivals to Cat & Mouse games, ULU has certainly been at the forefront of student activism recently.
At Senate we voted to support peaceful direct actions and occupations and have been heavily involved in the building and organisation of various actions and demos and have called a National demo on Thursday Dec 9th the day that MP’s will vote in Parliament on the raising of tuition fees.
As you can imagine, it’s been a really busy time so I’m sorry for not replying to all the thousands of requests to speak and/or attend meetings etc.
Six of ULU’s colleges are in occupation and many more actions are planned in the run up to the National Demo. ULU has been really active with all sorts of thing.
Our newly formed London Student Assembly is attracting hundreds of students each Sunday. We submit and pass motions, decide democratically what actions to take next and basically use these assemblies to coordinate our actions to ensure we have maximum unity and strength. The process was a bit painful to start with with the 1st meeting taking over 3 hours! but we felt it was essential to make sure we are all singing off the same songsheet.
Yesterday we reconfirmed our support for a National Student Assembly sometime in early January. We will let you know more about this closer to the time.
Here’s a few more things that you can get involved in:
1) London Calling: National Demo on the day of the Fees Vote in Parliament.
Here’s a poster for Thursdays demo for you to print off and ut up or handout as flyers. I also have some available at ULU for those of you who don’t have a budget to do at your college.
It is imperative that we get as many people to ULU as possible in order to prevent more kettling and containments. If you are organising a meet up point at your campus please then bring it to ULU for 12 NOON.
...and I'm really please that NUS are now promoting this demo.
2) Please volunteer to be a Steward for the demo. Email campaigns@ulu.lon.ac.uk
3) Here also is the link to the Kings College (a ULU college) Petition that has already gathered 900 signatures in two days:http://www.gopetition.com/petition/41174/signatures.html
4) Don’t forget the ULU trip to Berlin for Holocaust Memorial Day. Book your flights and email campaigns@ulu.lon.ac.uk to let me know or call me to ask more details on 07850 177 637. See http://tinyurl.com/uluberlin for more details.
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