Friday, 25 June 2010

Two major Athens protest/actions TMRW to build for the general strike

Two Athens demos TMRW: A moto-demo will start at 10.30 from Pedio Areos (King Konstantinos' statue) moving around Athens in order to promote Tuesday's general strike. At the moto-demo participate various groups and campaigns, neighborhood assemblies, and the Coordination of Grassroot Trade-Unions.

Also, tomorrow night at the borough of Elliniko, the mayor
Christos Kortsidis [while on his 60th day of hunger strike against Kallikratis, a restructuring of the state and municipality map in Greece, and against the occupation and privatisation of the beach of Elliniko by the industry of the night, clubowners and corrupted political elites] will attempt along with the people of the borough the blockade of three clubs that operate illegally at the area. The meeting is for 11pm at Pezogefyra Ellinikou on Leoforos Poseidonos, Ag. Kosmas.

Shell Shock and Awe: War, Capital and Carnage in Iraq

Christof Bϋchel: "Unplugged (Simply Botiful)"

Pireos 260

7-11pm every day til 6 July 2010

Even after a shower to remove the grime left on my body after visiting this awesome exhibition in Athens I am still reeling from the impact of the installation.

Taking the headline from a UK right-wing tabloid article 'Simply Botiful' Christoph Bϋchel 'forces the viewer to take part in physically demanding and psychologically uncomfortable scenarios'.

In a space 15m x 15m the artist arranges 10 rooms of death and destruction in such a way that you can almost taste the fear of the millions of Iraqi's who were murdered or affected by the so-called War on Terror in Iraq.

And it is certainly not for the faint hearted or easily offended. Using original items recovered from the aftermath of the Iraq war—bullet riddled clothes, photos, pornography, a full bar frequented by the military, voting booths and bomb-making equipment—Buechel gives us a glimpse, a striking insight, of what is daily life for both the invaders and the victims.

The stench is shocking. In one room, a caravan clearly used for soldiers sexual gratification, an airfreshner can sits alongside remnants of women's underwear and fag-butts. Loud, brash American rave music blares from a tiny sound-system and competes for your attention with an Arabic voice coming from a TV in another area.

The contradictions in this exhibition cause confusion. My companion, the cartoonist Carlos Latuff, said 'it causes an inconvienience in my makes my body feel sick'. It certainly left a foul taste in my mouth.

This exhibition is in no way beautiful. How can it be? 'War is NOT beautiful' Latuff reflected.

Take time to sit in every room, to absorb the atmosphere and to examine every piece of the 1,000's of items to really get a view of Iraq through the eyes of hard core, pro-war American soldiers. Talk to the bar men. Climb up every ladder. Crawl through every hole. Wear sensible clothing.

With politics as good as is display in this installation no doubt the artists price tag of Euro600k covered mainly what I imagine to be very high transportation costs. That profiteering from war comes at a price is thoroughly displayed within this exhibition.

For more details go to:

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Από την Αθήνα με αγάπη: εκθεση της Clare Solomon από την Ελλάδα

Thanks a million to Angeliki Mavroidi for this translation on Facebook. Looking forward to meeting you later!
Here's the original:

A brief disclaimer: I have since found out that some of the 'facts' in this report are incorrect. Feel free to comment below to correct them :-)
Από την Αθήνα με αγάπη: εκθεση της Clare Solomon από την Ελλάδα

"Ηδιαδήλωση είναι σαν ένα άθλημα εδώ στην Αθήνα", δήλωσε μέλος μιαςελληνικής σοσιαλιστικής ομάδας. Και δεν εννοούσε το να περ'ασουμε τηνώρα μας το Σάββατο.

Ξεχάστε τη βόλτα στο κύριο οδικόδίκτυο με την οικογένεια σε ένα σημείο για να φωνάξουμεαντι-καπιταλιστικά συνθήματα: στην Αθήνα, θα πρέπει να έχετε τααθλητικά παπούτσια σας, λογική ένδυση\ (δηλαδή, δεν φορούν τίποτα, σανkeffiyeh, γύρω από το λαιμό, αλλιώς θα μπορούσε να να χρησιμοποιηθείγια να σας πνίξει) και τις μαρτυρίες σας για αναπόφευκτες συγκρούσειςμε κάθε έναν από τους κλάδους των τρελών αστυνομίας (περισσότερα γιααυτό αργότερα).

Με επιθέσεις από σφαίρες χρωμάτων, μια νέαμορφή σπρέι πιπεριού που εφευρέθηκε από την ισραηλινή πολεμική Άμυνακαι των δύο τρελών σκύλιων και την αστυνομία, το να διαμαρτύρεταικανείς εδώ σε αφήνει γεμάτο μώλωπες, χρώματα και ιδρώτα και ασφαλώς δενείναι για τους δειλούς.

Τουλάχιστον μία φορά το μήνα το σύνολοτης έκτασης Εξάρχεια κλείνει με μεγάλους κάδους σκουπιδιών, αυτοκίνητακαι όλα τα είδη των άλλων μεγάλων αντικειμένων με την πρόθεση νααπωθήσουν την αστυνομία.

Και η ποικιλία των διαδηλώσεων είναι από μόνη της αρκετά διαφωτιστική.

Μέσασε τρεις ώρες από την άφιξή μου στο αεροδρόμιο ήρθα πρόσωπο με πρόσωπομε περίπου πενήντα πλήρως οπλισμένους άνδρες των ΜΑΤ στην μέχριπρότεινως αυτόνομη ζώνη των Εξαρχείων. Μια αυτοσχέδια διαδήλωση είχεσυγκληθεί από τους υποστηρικτές μιας ποδοσφαιρικής ομάδας της πόλης.

Επηρεασμένηαπό την πρόσφατη επέμβαση του ΔΝΤ, η ομάδα ήταν υποβιβάστηκε στηνκατηγορία, όχι επειδή είναι ''σκουπίδια'' στο να σκοράρουν γκολ αλλάγιατί η οικονομική τους κατάσταση ήταν τόσο κακή που δεν μπορούν πλέοννα αντέξουν οικονομικά να πληρώσουν τα χρέη. Και τι επώδυνο θέαμα γιατα θλιμένα μάτια να βλέπουν διαδηλωτές ποδοσφαίρου να φωνάζουνσυνθήματα της Αριστεράς κατά του ΔΝΤ!

"Φταίει το ΔΝΤ" έχειγίνει ένα κομμάτι από μια φράση της καθημερινότητας. Το κατάστημα έχεικλείσειι?- φταίει το ΔΝΤ. Ο καφές είναι ακριβός?-φταιει το ΔΝΤ, τοχαρτί τουαλέτας έχει εξαντληθεί? το μαντέψατε, φταίει το ΔΝΤ.

Δεναποτελεί έκπληξη παρά το λεγόμενο πακέτο στήριξης ύψους € 125bn, δενέχει μειωθεί η μεγάλη οδύνη των Ελλήνων. Ο κατώτερος μισθός έχειακρωτηριαστεί από € 700 το μήνα σε € 540pm και συνταξιοδοτικά κοπήκανγια αρχή. Ένα ολόκληρο κίνημα αντίστασης έχει αρχίσει. Θεατρικέςπαραστάσεις, κινηματογραφικές ταινίες, μουσικές εκδηλώσεις και, φυσικά,είναι πολλές ο δημόσιες συναντήσεις που οργανώνονται για να συζητήσουντην πορεία της αριστεράς.
Την δεύτερη νύχτα μου εδώπήγα σε έναν ''''πλήρωσε- όσο θες'' κινηματογράφο για ναπαρακολουθήσουμε δύο σε μια σειρά από έξι ταινίες που προβάλλονται πάνωαπό τρεις ημέρες για το ΔΝΤ. Η ζωή και το δημόσιο χρέος, ντοκιμαντέρτου 2001 για το πόσο το ΔΝΤ ''πάτωσε'' την Τζαμάικα και έδειξε απόλυταπόσο γελοίο είναι το σύνολο του δανείου και το σύστημα επιστροφής και,επίσης, πως τίποτα δεν έχει αλλάξει σχετικά με τη στάση τους, εκτός απότο να κλιμακώσει την ιδεολογία τους.

Τώρα, όσον αφορά τηναστυνομία. Δύο ολοκαίνουργια παραρτήματα της αστυνομίας είχανεγκατασταθεί σχεδόν αμέσως μετά τη δολοφονία του 15χρονου Αλέξανδρου.Ένα με μοτοσικλέτες, όλα τα είδη των τολμηρών ανδρών με 'εντονους τωνμύεςν και Starsky και Hutch-esque γυαλιά ηλίου.Οι άλλοι μάλλονατημέλητοι, βρώμικοι μπάτσοι ταραχών (των οποίων το σύνθημα στιςασπίδες τους δεν σημαίνει, 'οταν ρώτησα, «αυτόνομη», προς μεγάληδιασκέδαση των συντρόφων!). Έχω προειδοποιειθεί να μην προσπαθήσω ναπάρω φωτογραφίες από αυτούς, παραθέτω εδώ μερικά βίντεο -μια ευγενικήπροσφορά του YouTube:

Το σύνθημα του δεύτερου τύπουαναφέρεται στην περιοχή στην οποία οφείλουν είσε μεγάλο βαθμό τηνανάπτυξή τους, όπως αναφέρθηκα, την ''παρελθούσα ''αυτόνομη'' ζώνη τωνΕξαρχείων. Μια περιοχή με το μέγεθος του, ας πούμε, από το PiccadillyCircus στο Holborn, είναι το σπίτι σε μια σειρά, κυρίως αριστερώνοργανώσεων, εστιατορίων, και bar και κολεκτίβες, καταλήψεις,κινηματογράφους και άλλες τέτοιες ριζοσπαστικές δραστηριότητες. Ηπεριοχή είχε , γενικά, τους δικούς της κανόνες και τη διακυβέρνηση της.

Αυτός ο όλος άλλαξε στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2008, όταν η αστυνομίαπυροβόλησε άσπλαχνα ένα νεαρό αγόρι, τον Αλέξανδρο, από πολύ κοντινήαπόσταση για το γεγονός ότι είχε το θράσος να αμφισβητήσει ανοησίες τηνανόητη πρόκληση τους. Εβδομάδες ταραχών ακολούθησαν - μια μεγάληποσότητα πληροφοριών σχετικά με αυτό έχει τεκμηριωθεί αλλού - αλλά γιατο κύριο σημείο της έκθεσης αυτής, η περιοχή είναι πλέον σε μεγάλοβαθμό υπό αστυνόμευση, ανά πάσα στιγμή.

Το μνημείο που έχει δημιουργηθεί για τον Αλέξανδρο. Εξετάστε προσεκτικά την συνθήματα στον τοίχο

Ακόμηκαι τώρα αυτή η αυτονομία έχει εξαλείψει , μπορείτε νοιώσετε η αίσθησητης αλληλεγγύης μεταξύ των ομάδων (περισσότερα σ 'αυτό κατά τη διάρκειατης εβδομάδας). Στο Ηνωμένο μίσος της Αστυνομίας.

Σε μια εποχήπου θα μπορούσατε να φανταστείτε 'οτι η αστυνομία θα έπρεπε να κρατήσειμάλλον χαμηλό προφίλ και όχι μόνο δεν περιμένουν να επουλωθεί ηκατάσταση, αλλά αντιμετωπίζουν με οργή τον κόσμο και ανταποκρίνεται μετο να προσλαβει μερικές χιλιάδες υπαλλήλους. Angeliki Mavroidi 23 Juneat 17:20

Κάθομαι σε ένα μπαρ απολαμβάνοντας μερικές μπύρες ήσυχα(καλά, ήπια μια «μερικές», αλλά οι Έλληνες πίνουν πολύ πιο αργά!) καιείχα την επόμενη επίδειξη της ''αυτονομης/αστυνομίας τωνεπαναστατών/ΜΑΤ''. «Είναι σαν να ζεις το προσωπικό σου δράμα με τουςμπάτσους εδώ", είπε ένας από τους συντρόφους μου.

Πουκυριολεκτικά εισέβαλαν κάτω από την οδό, σχηματίστηκε ένα αδιαπέραστοτείχος ασπίδων και στη συνέχεια να στάθηκανεκεί, κοιτάζοντας έξω ανκάποιος 'ερχεται προς το μέρος τους με μόνο σκοπό να αποδείξουν τηνεξουσία τους. Μουγκριτά σαν από γουρουνάκια μπορεί να ακουστούν από τηνάλλη πλευρά του δρόμου στο νεοϊδρυθέν πάρκο αναγεννημένο /πάρκο και οδιευθυντής του μπαρ που είμασταν απάντησε με μουσική τούτκων μαοϊκώνανταρτών .

Κανείς δεν είχε καμία αυταπάτη για το τι σημαίνειαυτή η κίνηση, εκτός από, δηλαδή, ο χαζός της αστυνομίας. "Πιστεύουνότι μας τρομάζουν, όταν όλοι μας σκεφτόμαστε πόσο ηλίθια είναι".

Τέλος πάντων, φεύγω τώρα να παρακολουθήσω κάποιους συντρόφους που παίζουνεπαναστατική λαϊκή μουσική (ρεμπέτικο μου φαίνεται).

Έχω βάλει τα παπούτσια μου για να κυκλοφορώ τις νυκτερινές ώρες, ακριβώς σε περίπτωση που ...

ΗClare Solomon είναι η νέα Πρόεδρος της Ένωσης του Πανεπιστημίου τουΛονδίνουκαι ένα μέλος του συμβουλίου συνταξης του Counterfire

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Greek Transport Workers demo

The demo begins outside the townhall

The famous Greek 'demo dog'

Tourists at the Hotel Grande Bretagne--which was threatened to be bombed by the Greek People's Army when Churchill was staying there--taking photos of the approaching demo

The unemployed teachers who stormed the national TV channel lead the demo

Cartoonist Carlos Latuff outside the Greek parliament in front of the riot police

Aaah, nice doggy...x

Lenin & Lukacs Counterforum THIS Saturday (gutted to miss it)

Counterforum looks at the role of two leading Marxist revolutionaries, Marchmont Community Centre on 19th June.

Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party and the architect of the Russian revolution. He remains the foremost Marxist theorist of political organisation.

Georg Lukacs is the greatest Marxist philosopher since Marx. But he was also an active revolutionary - a commissar in the Hungarian Workers Republic of 1919.

Together the writings of Lenin and Lukacs are a unique inheritance for activists today. Counterfire is organising a day of discussion on the work of these two historic figures.


11.00-12.30 The Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution

John Rees looks at the recent revolutionary experiences from the East European revolutions of 1989 to the democratic revolutionary movements in Thailand and Iran using the framework developed by Lenin and Lukacs

1.30-3.00 Lukacs’ contribution to Marxism

Chris Nineham examines Lukacs unique contribution to our understanding of class consciousness and the role of political organisation in social change.

3.15-4.45 Lenin’s theory of political organisation

This session reviews Lenin’s theory of political organisation, still one of the most controversial practical applications of Marxist theory to the reality of class struggle.

Saturday 19 June
Marchmont Community Centre
Marchmont Street, London, WC1. (Click here for map)
Registration opens 10.30am (for a 11am start)

Lobby of Legal Services Commission Fri 18 June, 4 pm

The voluntary sector organisation Refugee and Migrant Justice has gone into administration.
This is as a result of the changes to Legal Services Commission Funding - apparently where they thought they were to get £100 for each case they dealt with, the LSC has only given them £40, so the trustees have said they must go into administration.
They have called for a lobby of the Legal Services Commission on Friday 18 June at 4 pm, to demand extra funding for the organisation - so the refugees and migrants they deal with will not be left in the lurch.
The Legal Services Commission is at: 4 Abbey Orchard Street, London, SW1P 2BS. See map
They are appealing for your support for the lobby - please do your best to get there.
Bronwen Handyside

Monday, 7 June 2010

Notes from CPWPay mtg

Human rights activist imprisoned in Zimbabwe

"Hi all,

If you'd like to follow what is going on with my friend Farai's incarceration in Zimbabwe, here is Rishita's blog with all the information.

The first-written post includes instructions for notifying politicians. There are attempts through a human rights lawyer to get Amnesty on the case.

Farai Maguwu is the director of the Center for Research and Development (CRD) in Zim. His org started out by teaching rural teens English, then they conducted truth and reconciliation meetups after the land transfers, and his latest incarnation researches and reports on human rights abuses in Zim. He is an outspoken dissenter of Robert Mugabe and has been arrested and tortured before. He also has gone into exile numerous times but keeps returning to Zim as he mentors/fosters a teenage boy and he is dedicated to justice. I met Farai in 2006 and spent a year with him at our Master's program. He is the most decent man I've ever met. His only flaw is his stubborn commitment to justice which lands him in trouble!

Besides having a cold (or suspected cold at least, as he has been denied medical attention), Farai is physically ok and does have a lawyer representing him, as well as the support of the CRD board.

This has all kicked off because of a report the CRD put out claiming that illegal panners were being killed by the Zim army and diamonds were being illegally smuggled for sale into the UAE, violating the protocol of the Kimberley Process.

I urge you to re-tweet/facebook/etc to get this out there. It is being quickly and widely publicised and has gained support from Global Witness, Partnership Africa Canada, and more NGOs. The more they know they're being watched, the more likely it will be that justice will return to Zim.

Thank you kindly,

Colleen Hemsing

Let me know if you need more details...

Thank you so much!


Thursday, 3 June 2010

Video of detained Soas student Anne de Jong on Freedom Flotilla

Please come to the Emergency General Meeting today, Thursday 3 June
3pm in KLT to show support for Anne, Jamal ElShayyal and Osmani who
were all detained by Israeli authorities. And to demand Paul Webley ie
SOAS takes a stand against international war crimes.

Ammendments to the main motion can be submitted.

See motion and initial ammendments at htt://

Please also comment on it especially if u can't make the meeting-the
Zionists have already began blaming everyone else but themselves for
the murders on the Freedom Flotillas.

We hope Anne is safe. We hope Paul Webley does the only decent thing
there is to do and condemn these illegal actions. As Anne herself says
in this video 'if u don't condemn that means you agree, silence is

Well done for the bravery Anne has shown. Hurry home Anne, Jamal &
Osmani - we look forward to welcoming you home and telling us about
your story.

Details of demo and Stop Islamophobia conference here:

In solidarity.

Clare Solomon
ULU President elect

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse any spelling mistakes (or
misunderstandings for that matter!)

Soas unions statement regarding the attacks on Gaza Freedom Flotilla

1) Emergency UGM

2) Statement regarding the attacks on Gaza Freedom Flotilla

3) Stop Islamophobia conference

4) Protest at the Israeli embassy

1) Emergency UGM – TOMORROW, Thursday 3rd June, 3pm

G2, Russell Square


In light of the recent atrocities committed by the Israeli Defence Force against the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, an emergency Union General Meeting has been called. As you may know, three SOAS students were on the flotilla. One, Anne de Jong, is currently being detained in Israel whilst the whereabouts of the others are unknown.


At an Emergency General Meeting we can only discuss ONE motion, which follows with amendments. Please do come to this vitally important meeting to discuss and decide a response as SOAS students.


Support Annekarijin de Jong and the Freedom Flotilla

Submitted Ammendments will be in Green

This Union Notes:

  1. On the night of the 30th of May the 'Freedom Flotilla' (4 Cargo Ships, 4 Passenger Boats, 700 people) carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza from Turkey, Britain, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria were attacked with at least 10 people having been killed.
  2. This attack was done while the boats were in International Waters and has violated The United Nations Law of the Sea part VII notably:

-          Article 87 (a) provides for "Freedom of Navigation"

-          Article 88 states 'The High Seas shall be reserved for peaceful purposes'

-          Article 89 States 'No State may validly purport to subject any part of the high seas to its sovereignty.'

3. On May 6th 2010 John Ging the Director of Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza was quoted saying

-          'We believe that Israel will not intercept these vessels because the sea is open, and human rights organisations have been successful in similar previous operations proving that breaking the siege of Gaza is possible.'

4. A SOAS PhD researcher, Annekarijn de Jong, is on one of the boats. As part of her fieldwork research she spent  16 months in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel, including annexed East-Jerusalem and Besieged Gaza.

5. She is now being held, together with a large number of other activists, in the Be'er Sheva prison, with consular meeting denied to them.  She refuses to sign a statement for immediate deportation.

6. A former SOAS student, Jamal Elshayyal, was reporting from the Mavi Marmara ship when it was attacked.

7. That the Israeli Government is branding those on the ships as terrorists sympathisers with ties to the global jihad.

8. That the Israeli Government is attempting to brand a humanitarian, non-violent solidarity project as organised violent action against Israel.

9. That the Freedom Flotilla's purpose was to deliver much-needed medicine, medical equipment, milk powder, hygiene kits, toys, books, stationary articles etc that have been banned from entering Gaza due to Israel's siege that is now entering its fifth year. As such, their aim was to protest the siege that constitutes a form of collective punishment and is in breach of international law.

10. That the siege, as documented by a number of reports by international organisations, has created a man-made humanitarian crisis that is sanctioned by the UK government.

11. That the Israeli Government denies that a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip exists.

12 . Paul Webley, SOAS Director, has released a short statement to students and staff, noting Annekarijn's detention.

This Union Believes:

  1. Annekarijin de Jong should be immediately released from Israeli detention and allowed to resume her research.
  2. The Freedom Flotilla is a humanitarian project, not an attack on Israel, and should be supported.
    Reformulating (2):
    The Freedom Flotilla is a humanitarian and global solidarity project, and as such, it must be supported.
  3. That the branding of Palestine solidarity activists as global jihadists is an attack on all global solidarity activists.
  4. That more pressure must be exerted on the UK Government to campaign for an end to Israel's siege on Gaza.
  5. The School's statement, as prepared by Paul Webley, falls well short of the standard that the SOAS community expect of their institution. It fails to join the international condemnation of Israel's actions, and it fails to call for the immediate release of Annekarijn and the other detainees. It is a mealy-mouthed statement that makes no positive contribution to Annekarijn or the other detainees' welfare.
  6. It is a source of shame for students and staff at SOAS that the School authorities cannot bring themselves join the international consensus in condemning Israel's actions and act to meaningfully support the welfare and safety of a SOAS student.

This Union Resolves:

  1. To demand for Annekarijin de Jong's immediate release from Isaeli detention.

Reformulating (1):

Annekarijin de Jong, Jamal Elshayyal and all other Freedom Flotilla activists should be immediately released from Israeli detention with no threat of deportation.

2.For the School and Students' Union to support Annekarijin in whatever way she deems necessary.

3. To demand that the School both immediately and unreservedly condemn Israel's unlawful actions, and call for the immediate release of Annekarijn and all detainees from custody

 Ammendments to come before the meeting 

Nita Dhinsa SOAS Alumni presents a short documentary after the meeting in room FG08:

Chapters on Palestine is a thoughtful documentary about peoples' experiences of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.  It features interviews with the people of Abu Dis, Jerusalem, as well as human rights activist and director of ICHAD Jeff Halper.  A wide range of people discuss their opinions on: the expansion of settlements, the term terrorism and solutions to the conflict.  In some of the most moving scenes the children and people of Abu Dis speak about their day to day life under occupation, and discuss their hopes and dreams for the future.
Short artistic biography

Nita Dhinsa obtained an MA Comparative Literature with particular focus on nationhood and literature at SOAS University.  Currently based in London this is her first documentary.


2) Statement regarding the attacks on the Freedom Flotilla

Students, academics, and support staff at SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) are immensely proud that one of our alumni, Jamal Elshayyal (25), and a current PhD candidate, Anne de Jong (29), have had the courage and principled conviction to participate in the non-violent action of the Free Gaza Flotilla in an effort to raise consciousness about the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. Israel's atrocious action against the people of Gaza has meant nearly three years of denial of basic human rights, education and international contact. Many of us at SOAS benefit from a uniquely informed perspective because of our institution's regional specialism. We are all the more horrified, dismayed, and outraged about the Israeli state's latest violation of international law. 

Jamal is currently a producer for al-Jazeera English and was reporting from one of the ships when it was violently boarded by the Israeli troops. Anne, whose research focuses on joint Palestinian and Israeli non-violent activism, decided to join the Free Gaza Flotilla because she firmly believes that academic work should not be restricted to writing journal papers from the ivory tower. Anne is currently being held in Be'er Shiva prison. We do not know the whereabouts of Jamal.

We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the murderous Israeli assault on the Free Gaza Flotilla and the senseless deaths of civilians undertaking non-violent humanitarian action to break the illegal Israeli blockade on the people of Gaza.

It is essential that the academic community takes inspiration from Jamal's and Anne's example. That means taking sides and speaking out against such blatant breaches of international law, UN resolutions and human rights. We call on the international community to compel Israel to lift the collective punishment on the people of Gaza and allow free movement of goods and persons. Those who do not speak out against such crimes are complicit. 

SOAS Students' Union Executive

SOAS UCU Executive


3) Stop Islamophobia conference

Saturday 5th June, 9am-1.30pm (ends in time to go to the protest below)

Camden Centre, Bidborough Street

Muslims are under attack in this country as never before. Government policies and the media have created an atmosphere in which all Muslims are portrayed as reactionary and anti-western.

Young Muslims in particular are subject to surveillance in colleges, schools and mosques in the name of combating "extremism". Those who exercise their right to demonstrate peacefully have been subject to arrest and heavy sentencing.

Meanwhile, the racist "defence leagues" have been focussing their attacks on Muslim communities, with provocative marches in towns and cities inciting racial hatred and bigotry.

From its founding in 2001, Stop the War has been committed to combating racism. We recognise that Islamophobia is a direct consequence of the "war on terror". We believe it is vital that the anti-war movement acts in conjunction with other campaigns and organisations to stem its tide.

The Stop Islamophobia: Defend the Muslim Community conference on Saturday 5 June, organised by Stop the War and the British Muslim Initiative, will bring together a wide range of opinion united in concern over the escalating demonisation of Muslims in our society.

Organised by Stop the War Coalition and British Muslim Initiative

Supported by CND, Cordoba Foundation, Federation of Student Islamic Societies, Islam Channel, Islamic Forum of Europe, Islamophobia Watch, London Muslim Centre, Muslim Welfare House, National Union of Journalists, North London Central Mosque, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Unite


4)Demonstrate against Israel's atrocities and for an end to the siege on Gaza

Saturday 5 June • Gaza Flotilla March • End the Siege of Gaza: Freedom for Palestine. Assemble at Downing Street, London at 1.30pm to march to the Israeli Embassy.


Stop the War, the British Muslim Initiative, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and many others have called this protest after Monday's horrific attacks on the Freedom Flotilla. Sweden and Turkey have withdrawn their ambassadors from Israel already, so we begin at Downing Street to demand our government does the same, before moving to the Israeli embassy to voice our anger at this atrocity.


Sebastian Andres Lillo Uribe (Sebilio)
Co-President (Finance and Communications)
SOAS Students' Union
0207 898 4995

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Soas Directors feeble an outrageous response to: Aid flotilla to Gaza - latest on SOAS student

Dear students


You will be aware of the events that unfolded over the weekend where a flotilla of aid ships to Gaza was boarded by Israeli soldiers resulting in the loss of 10 lives.


We have learned that a SOAS PhD student, Anne de Jong (Anthropology and Sociology), was on one of the boats.  Anne, who is a Dutch national, has stated on her Twitter feed that she has been detained by the Israeli authorities.    Her family has spoken with the Dutch media and have confirmed that she is safe and well and anticipate that she will be deported.  The safety and well-being of Anne is of great importance to SOAS and we are making further enquiries via the Dutch Embassy.


The events in Israel have once again turned the international spotlight on the Middle East, a region where SOAS has strong academic links.  As a home of political debate, I hope that SOAS can act as a place where people can come together freely to discuss these events, and contribute to finding a resolution, in a respectful and open manner. It is very important that as an academic institution that we do not appear to take sides as this would prejudice the very objective of a fair and open debate.


We will be following events as they develop today and we will keep the School informed about the situation. 



Paul Webley

Director & Principal

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Soas Extraordinary UGM re: Gaza

An Extraordinary UGM has been called by the SU Sabbatical team. During an Extraordinary UGM we can only debate one motion, this will focus on the Freedom Flotilla and the attacks that have been made to it. It has been drafted as a skeleton and we welcome students to send suggustions and ammendments until the UGM. These can be sent to me or posted for everyone to see on the Union Website. The posts that come here will follow our Equality and Diversity policy which can be summarised as 'Share, create & complain. Try not to glare, alienate & restrain'.

Extraordinary UGM
Khalili Lecture Theatre
15:00 - 17:00
Thursday, 3rd


Support Annekarijin de Jong and the Freedom Flotilla


This Union Notes:


  1. On the night of the 30th of May the 'Freedom Flotilla' (4 Cargo Ships, 4 Passenger Boats, 700 people) carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza from Turkey, Britain, Ireland, Greece, Kuwait and Algeria were attacked with at least 10 people having been killed.
  2. This attack was done while the boats were in International Waters and has violated The United Nations Law of the Sea part VII notably:

-          Article 87 (a) provides for "Freedom of Navigation"

-          Article 88 states 'The High Seas shall be reserved for peaceful purposes'

-          Article 89 States 'No State may validly purport to subject any part of the high seas to its sovereignty.'

  1. On May 6th 2010 John Ging the Director of Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza was quoted saying

-          'We believe that Israel will not intercept these vessels because the sea is open, and human rights organisations have been successful in similar previous operations proving that breaking the siege of Gaza is possible.'

  1. A SOAS PhD researcher, Annekarijn de Jong, is on one of the boats. As part of her fieldwork research she spent 16 months in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel, including annexed East-Jerusalem and Besieged Gaza.



This Union Believes:

  1. Annekarijin de Jong should be immediately released from Israeli detention and allowed to resume her research.
  2. The Freedom Flotilla is a humanitarian project, not an attack on Israel, and should be supported.


This Union Resolves:


  1. To demand for Annekarijin de Jong's immediate release from Isaeli detention.
  2. For the School and Students' Union to support Annekarijin and whatever way she deems necessary.  

Sebastian Andres Lillo Uribe (Sebilio)
Co-President (Finance and Communications)
SOAS Students' Union
0207 898 4995