Thursday 6 November 2008

How did YOU vote? Or your next-door neighbours 2nd cousins dog twice removed?

I counted 42 categories before i ran out of time and i was only a third down the page!

A great time filler for students who are supposed to be reading (it's 'Reading' week at SOAS-half term to all you normal people): beats washing the windows.

See for yourself here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its great to see that 43% of white people who voted, voted for Obama. It would have been a pretty empty victory if it was just whites voting for white and blacks voting for black. The turnout was amazing. Good on America, perhaps we can all take this example and stop electing middle class white elitist to office all over the world. A real beginning to a real revolution! I for one have got my whistles and flags out of their drawer aready!